Posts by 'fortnight' – Page 2


Day 19

Fear of Failure Yay! today is Work from home friday!!!! However, it is also the start of my discontent. Today marks one week that I have tried and failed to implement a school server. I only have a week left to close the ticket. This is quite worrysome for me as I was the one who wrote up most of the tickets for the project, and assumed the role of community lead. With no one in my home to seek guidance or confidence from, I tried, unsucce ...


Day 18

More Code/Cave diving Sadly no Threebean to help me search. However, I have not forgotten the most valuable command line call he has taught me so far: "grep -inr SEARCH_TERM * | less." For information on how that works, click... HERE. It's a previous blog post, from day 7.5, the day I lost count. So, as you recall from my post of day 17 I spoke a grand revelation about all unix commands be ...


Day 17

Workin' Hard or Hardly workin', eh MAC? At the start of the day, I felt pretty positive. Threebean was in the FOSSbox today, and I recalled our previous code diving experience. He told me that someone from ITS was worried about the routers and was a bit unsure as to why they were sending de-authenticating packets to someone network. I introduced myself to someone in the ##rc.rit channel and sent an email declaring that I was the victim/culprit of the network is ...


Day 16

Productively Lost ...


Day 15

More School Server Stupidity Hai! Today I started the McNair scholars program, and now have to run off to a class every monday and wednesday from 1:00 to 3:00 this summer. It's a refreshing change of pace, but I feel like I'm missing out on glorious FOSSbox time. I'll just have to make the most of the time that I do spend there from now on. I will no longer play lemonade stand during my breaks! After all, I already have a screenshot of [$1,000,000,000,000+]( content/ ...


Day 14/Week in Review

WOOOO!!!! This was our first full week at FOSSbox, exciting stuff!! Here's a recap of what I've done: # Day 10: -> Days got mixed up, monday's entry was added into last week's week in review post # Day 11: Marking Milestones -> Issues on GitHub -->> I transferred over our list of "Core Requirements" and"Would be Nice-ties" -->> I also added in issues about or project with badges, adding info the XO Jou ...


Day 13

Hopefully last day of reading up about school Servers As I mentioned on day 12, we planned out when our issues would have to be dealt with by, as well as who has to solve which issue. All this can be seen here: HERE!!!! Click on any issue to see a more detailed explanation of what it entails, or filter by milestone to see when things are due. In addition to that I have been named "Community Lead" of the project, where as my teammates RAM ...


Day 12

Assignment and Ouya Today we wrapped up assigning issues for phase one to one another, as well as decide our team roles. For the first trimester, I got assigned the issue about connecting to school servers and looking into creating an Mozilla Open Badge allotment system. Near the end of the day, I got to playtest the Ouya Android Gaming System. I got some valuable gamete ...


Day 11

Marking Milestones Today I cracked down on our project, and marked out all our milestones on Github Well, actually I first had to learn how. With some experimentation I planned out my project just as I had had to do in the Software Engineering class I took a year ago. To view our issues and milestones click here! A while back I mentioned when we went through and assigned topics ...


Day 10 / Week in review

Day 7.5 Code Diving ->Learned good ways to search through large packages of code -->> "grep -inr SEARCH_TERM * | less" -->> recursively search through the current directory and it's files for the SEARCH_TERM ->Got some cool advice from Threebean -> I miscounted the days so far, but am back on track now Day 8 The Old and the New -> Got a sweet breakdown of vim -> Learned about vimgolf, the game of short ...