Day 17

by fortnight on Fri 21 June 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

Workin' Hard or Hardly workin', eh MAC?

At the start of the day, I felt pretty positive. Threebean was in the FOSSbox today, and I recalled our previous code diving experience. He told me that someone from ITS was worried about the routers and was a bit unsure as to why they were sending de-authenticating packets to someone network. I introduced myself to someone in the ##rc.rit channel and sent an email declaring that I was the victim/culprit of the network issue. He got back to me later in the day saying that he'd look into it. I hope that was a promise to help and not a way of saying it'll never get done, but I suppose if I keep trying then he'll keep having to deal with the de-authentication problems...

In other news, when I told FOSSmaster Decause about it, he informed me that all the XOs used to be on the network whitelist, and that if I get an in with ITS to give them a list of MAC address of all the XOs. A list we didn't have. I then spent the Majority of the day going through all 36 XOs we had, turning them on, and calling "ifconfig" in the terminal. Qalthos taught me something very interesting though. When one of the laptops didn't recognize the command "ifconfig" he told me to call "/sbin/ifconfig" because apparently all the commands that the Terminal can run were in either /bin/ or /sbin/. The computer didn't know it was there though because it wasn't on the PATH that the computer sets to know where to load commands and programs from. Apparently all commands are there as binary files or runable scripts.

Also, Qalthos got a Schoolserver running on the same server that houses this site and the bot that records our meetings, but the "boat" went down yesterday, delaying schoolservers, my blog posts, and redemption.

My Feelings for the day