Day 18

by fortnight on Mon 24 June 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

More Code/Cave diving

Sadly no Threebean to help me search. However, I have not forgotten the most valuable command line call he has taught me so far: "grep -inr SEARCH_TERM * | less." For information on how that works, click... HERE. It's a previous blog post, from day 7.5, the day I lost count.

So, as you recall from my post of day 17 I spoke a grand revelation about all unix commands being in the folder /bin/ or /sbin/. The day before yesterday I spoke of instructions like "Either run 'xs-setup-network' or do everything yourself." Well I tried running xs-setup-network, and it didn't do anything. So I tried looking at the manual page for the command (which you can do for any command in /bin/ or /sbin/, like 'man ssh') but unfortunately, the command xs-setup-network had no man page. Regardless I was not ready to give up hope and figured that the command must have a file somewhere on the computer that is a script prepared to actually run the command. I changed my directory to: '/' which is the root directory, but will henceforth be called 'atlantis.' Once on the shores of atlantis I ran the command: "grep -inr xs-setup * | less" which would take awhile because it would have to recursively search through all the files in all the folders of my computer for any line that includes the phrase "xs-setup", case insensitive. I then went to a workshop for the McNair Scholars program.

Upon my return I had a hearty list of programs to search through and began taking notes.

My feelings for the day