Posts by 'fortnight' – Page 3


Day 8

Calendars, Collaboration, and Cranking We got our group calendar together today, and very very soon we'll have to actually space out our milestones and plan out what's going to have to be due when. We had a sweet vim seminar, and I got to learn about the difficult art of vimgolf. If you don't know about vim, and like to code on the command line, you should. Best text editor I've seen. Vim has earned my trophy for the category, dethroning the reigning champion Microsoft word. [Word's feeling ...


Day 7.5

Threebean and Fornight in the caves of Sugar Maybe it was because I had just read this article, but I felt like I was doing Archaeology. It turns out that although the Sugar desktop environment download was all in the package I downloaded, it was in a several different folders haphazardly mixed with all other python programs installed on my "box." Veteran Python coder ...


Week in Review/Day 7

One Week Down! I know what I have to do for this project, and I know why I have to do it, all that remains now is the how. Here's a day by day break down of what happened: # Day 0: Bootstrapping -> Installed Fedora on my comp -> TIL laptops can be called "Boxes" -> Created accounts on many websites: -->> We use github to share our code -->> We used this to register for Flock -->> [ We use this to chat in our debrie ...


Day 2

Boxing day Today we packed up the FOSSbox into smaller boxes, before feasting on wings and commemorating the FOSScouch! Imagine the most comfy couch, now add sunlight and an equally comfy footrest. It was wonderful. My only complaint was that I couldn't nap and code at the same time. Speaking of coding, I also did some project work today. We looked over the Lemonade stand wiki and compared our wishlist to theirs: Lemonade Stand Wiki. I also looke ...


Day 1

Greetings! Today was the second day of Summer at rit FOSS. I finally got to install and use Sugar, the desktop environment originially developed by Sugar labs for the XO laptops in OLPC program. I remember long ago I first heard about them from watching 60 minutes with my dad back when I was still in high school. Here's the url to the original article: ...


Hello World!

Hello, my name is Fernando Axel Ellis. This summer I'll be working through the RIT FOSSbox on open Badges in the Lemonade Stand program for the XO Laptop. I wanted to work with the FOSSbox at RIT this summer to gain a firm grasp on planning a computer programming project for a small team as well as following through with said plans. I plan to work on many open source software projects in the future and I hope to gain a foothold on the structure of the community. My Github account: [https://gith ...