Day 15

by fortnight on Mon 17 June 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

More School Server Stupidity

Hai! Today I started the McNair scholars program, and now have to run off to a class every monday and wednesday from 1:00 to 3:00 this summer. It's a refreshing change of pace, but I feel like I'm missing out on glorious FOSSbox time. I'll just have to make the most of the time that I do spend there from now on. I will no longer play lemonade stand during my breaks! After all, I already have a screenshot of $1,000,000,000,000+, that's a trillion, also known as a large waste of time.

Anyway, in a more progressive matter, I installed a school-server on an XO laptop according to the instructions I mentioned previously, "" and it was pretty cool. It would always load up straight to the default terminal and log in as the root user. However, I couldn't connect to it in the intended manner. I tried connecting it to my machine through a router, but RITs network prevents other Access Points from existing by sending out deauthentication packets from the network source. I imagine it would be like opening a store only whenever a customer picks something up from a shelf to buy it, it immediately turns into a sign saying "THIS IS NOT A VALID PRODUCT, LEAVE NOW!!!!!"

sigh It's hard out there for a school server...
My feelings for the day