Posts by 'Zanarama' – Page 3


Templates & Turtle

This week I had a couple of big success. First, I solved my (most) of my problems with avatar file generating. I also created a handful of templates that I think should fit a variety of projects. Finally, I introduced an old project that I had been working on with Python Turtle and will hopefully get some help working on it. My two main problems with the avatar generating were Unicode characters in usernames and difficulty handling all of the command line options we were having in log_generator ...


Redirecting the Plan

This week started off a little bumpy with a power outage that lasted a few hours and then a freak thunder/hail storm on Monday. On Wednesday the boat (a server the FOSSBox uses) went down Wednesday, slowing down everything and taking down FossBot. Finally, after a series of issues with Glade, we have shelved the GUI for now and have decided to instead work on producing some quality videos to send to Red Hat. As a part of these videos I want to highlight the work of Red Hat employees by making t ...


Navigating Glade

A large goal of the Gourciferous project is to create a GUI that will make processing GIT logs and rendering Gource videos a lot easier. For the past few days I have been working on creating some mock-ups for the GUI in Glade. The benefit of using Glade is that the mock-up can easily become a functional GUI by adding a Python program to create functionality. However, using Glade hasn't been a picnic. Originally the software seemed incredibly intuitive. The buttons are simple, and it truly on ta ...


Growing Gourciferous

This week I have been working on Gourciferous, which will become the our GUI of the combination of RIT FOSS Multi-Gource and, of course, Gource itself. Gourciferous will be written entirely in Python and the GUI will be built using Glade. The goal will be to create the most simple way to run Gource and combine GIT logs. Another feature that Gourciferous is going to bring to the table are Templates that will act as ...


A Lookback and a Hackathon

My first week at the FOSSBox has already been a series of new experiences and opportunities. I am running Fedora for the first time (and loving it!), I began working on my first open source project for Red Hat, and I attended my first (civic) hackathon. For this first week a lot of time was spent setting up my laptop and the many accounts that I needed, and registered to attend and to give a 45 minute talk about my Gource project at [Flock to Fedora](http://flocktof ...


Boxing Day

Today we celebrated this sunny Thursday by packing up the FOSSBox since we are moving into Golisano tomorrow. I haven't spent much time in there but I do like the location - its open which I feel is going to be much better than some lab. We shall see tomorrow I suppose. Along the boxing theme we had round one of Red Hat conference calls with some designers and memebers of their branding/marketing team. It went really well. I didn't talk much but listening in gave me a better idea of what we are ...


Learning Commands...

I spent today learning a little more about Gource and starting to dive into its flags, what they do, and how we could display them on a UI. I used the the flags and descriptions that i got using man gource command and I put them into a nice little Google Doc that you can see here. We also have some ideas floating there for how we are going to display them on the UI and some general n ...


Day 0

Hi! My name is Suzanne Reed. I am a Computer Engineering student and have just finished my second year at RIT. This summer I am lucky enough to have an co-op with Red Hat at the RIT FossBOX working with Gource. With Gource, we hope to create a UI to simplify Gource for the average user and develop Gource videos to illustrate the overall impact of Red Hat in many projects. I am really excited to get started and gain experience working on my first open source software project. My personal goal is ...