Week 7: Weekly Wrap-up

by thengrad on Mon 15 July 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

It is now the end of the seventh week of this summer research program. I can’t believe that seven weeks have gone by since this research project began for the summer. This was a very interesting week. We found out that SkyTime, a pet project that I started with a small group of people for a Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software class, will be going to Washington D.C. as part of the National Day of Civic Hacking projects. During the week I helped the person who will be representing the project at the White House prepare for the trip. I also closed a ticket on having ice and strawberries as ingredients for Lemonade Stand. Also the person who had worked on making Lemonade Stand able to be switched between different kinds of stands told me a bug in the events he wanted me to fix. It took up a large chunk of my Friday but I got it done. Events should now run smoothly no matter what kind of stand you want to use. The last ticket I had wanted to have finished this week was to allow the user to create recipes in game. This is close to being finished. I got the interface finished this week but I just need a bit more time to tie the back end all together.

My first objective for the next week would be to finish the custom recipe creation asap. Then after that I want to help start adding in badge triggers to Lemonade Stand because we’ve already added almost all of the changed features that we wanted to put into the game and the badges really need to get finished since that was the whole goal of this research project.