MJPP Status

by rgk8573 on Fri 20 January 2012 // Posted in legacy // under

Well...as of right now, I seem to be having issues trying to get a picture to show up on the main page of the site as a blog entry. I have been using my Drupal instance for all testing purposes which you can find a link to in the last blog post. I have also been researching more about the 960.gs (grid system) which is a framework for CSS that allows properly structured Web pages based on a specified number of columns.

I will try to figure out this weekend why the pictures are not showing up, and next week, I will meet a Drupal ninja who will hopefully clear up a few things for me and help me be more productive. This is my first time using Druapl...there is A LOT to learn.

If anyone can help with the image issue in the meantime, that would be tremendous!