hackfest.success == true

by kayeight on Mon 12 July 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

As you may have read, this past week the entire FOSS-box roadtripped to Boston for a hackfest at OLPC headquarters. Though we don't work on the XO laptops, CIVX was also able to tag along, and it's a good thing we did - the opportunity to work in person with Luke again was invaluable. It's awesome what can get done over the course of eight hours in a conference room with a bunch of hacker extraordinaires!

I made a lot of progress with the person dashboard widget while in Boston. The headshot scraper I wrote finally works properly, and I was able to conjure some more BeautifulSoup magic to scrape senators' district and social media information from the Open Legislation site (with much thanks to Luke for actually implementing my code in the widget). The whole thing is starting to take its final shape now that it is moderately usable.

Our next step is implementing the calendar that currently exists as a non- functional tab in the person dashboard. I've had some issues with the senate's calendar feed having incorrect timestamps for start times, and submitted a bug report on their website. Once that is solved there's still the issue of getting only events specific to a certain person.

Looking forward to another productive week, and the completion of the person dashboard at last!