Tales of Thor's Day

by jtmengel on Thu 22 July 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

Alright, time for the Thor's Day Blog, also know as Thursday by some nations that don't recognize the day's pagan origins. Ahem, but anyways, today was a day of killing off the tests we started yesterday on using classes, inheriting sprite, in conjunction with dirty lists.

In case I'm not making sense, we finished the tests to confirm that we could effectively speed things up by doing A) storing all the relevant information pertaining to the image for easy access B) allowing us to intelligently access a sprite grouping method RenderUpdates which would ensure that we wouldn't draw overlapping rectangles and of course C) modify our Sprites to function precisely how we need for easy and efficient implementation into the Game Engine of Fortune Hunter.

After the tests, Dave and I dolled out responsibilities for the next 2 weeks and while we'll be working together (in the same room/desk) we won't be working with each other (on the same project). Since I arbitrarily chose to infer that there's a difference between working "with each other" and "together", here's what we'll be working on in the near future:

Dave: Polish up Drawable Object and incorporate the RenderUpdates group into the code. Since this is a significant amount of code and potential loss-of- sanity, Dave will just have one large project to take on.

JT (the charming and cunning blogger you're reading right now): I'll be taking on Collapsing the last few tests into our test 'suite' (I just want to call it a 'suite', it might be more accurate to replace it with 'kinda nice test program')

This means including our rotate test, our multiple Dirty Sprite Tests, and finally the dreaded SVG tests (which is currently still on the drawing board so to speak)

Just a quick note: The SVG data collection is going to be a two-parter where only the second part will be programmed into Python; The first part will rely on me taking sample art assets of varying sizes and complexity (as well as possibly finding and citing resources online) to define what type of size discrepencies you can expect converting from SVG's to rendered formats.

That being said, if anyone has a suggestion on where to start my research on SVG conversion (or materials explaining the details of SVGs might be equally helpful) please let me know via email at JTMengel@gmail.com