Beginning of Week 4

by jtmengel on Mon 28 June 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

So last week the FOSS-Box manned a booth at the RIT Symposium of Deaf Education and Technology; we met a good number of people and showed off the XO's as well as the software we're developing for the platforms. Most of the questions and interest was directed at the XO's themselves, but such is life. Last week was more or less lost to the sake of programming though, and the work that I managed to sneak in between questions was largely focused on getting the master test program on its feet. Thursday, after the symposium, was excellent since we managed to get down into the vaults at the International Museum of Play in Rochester, looking at (but not touching, unfortunately) their cataloged collections of videogames and other objects of play. Very fascinating, especially when the curator (I believe) led us through the museum floor explaining the significance of the displays as they correlated to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Even better was a short visit to Second Avenue Games to discuss their workflow and design principles when approaching educational games, which I found particularly beneficial.

The application I'm currently writing is a program that will cycle through a pre-made set of images and return a file formatted as a .csv with the results; This is meant to act as our final testing solution, and if anyone would like to review it, even as I am developing it, I would appreciate it greatly (it is within our git repository, which I have only just began working with, so email me if you're interested in taking a look at my code).

So far the plan this week is to have everything done by tomorrow, so this week will have to be a high productivity week to off-set the awesome, but slow working, week we had last week.

To work!