Day 26

by fortnight on Tue 02 July 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

Midterm Powows

Today I started the ticket of creating a Spanish version of Lemonade Stand. Yesterday I called it El Puesto de Limonada, after this picture.

So I started off by googling "XO Laptop GetText" and hitting up the first result. As it instructed, I went through the code for Lemonade Stand and made each message script be convertible, like so: "This is a string" became ("This is a string"), and at the top of the code, with the imports I would have added the line "from gettext import gettext as ", but my teammate DAWacker beat me to it. I felt like I didn't have enough information yet though, so I clicked the link at the bottom of the wiki. The GNU project it linked to, though factual and thorough, was mainly about C. I asked FMD (FOSSmaster Decause, hereby abbreviated), about a python equivalent, and he linked me to this. As I read that, I tried the section " Changing languages on the fly" out, because I didn't currently have a translated file to work with. However, it didn't work. I then perused in "/usr/share/locale/es", where my computer stored it's spanish translations of programs in .mo files. The day ended with my completion of a translating the message template gotten from running "./ genpot" in the Lemonade-Stand repository, a thing that Qalthos showed me.

Lastly, I had a midterm powow with FMD and SURFcaptain SJ about how I felt the summer was going. Overall I am enjoying the experience, environment, and energy of the FOSSsummer.

My Feelings for the day