Day 24

by fortnight on Sun 30 June 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

Another Work From Home Friday!

So today I set out to install the 0.7 edition of school server on the XO laptop that I've been messing around on. I followed these instructions. To install it on an XO though, I would need to Install it from USB. I had some trouble setting up the boot usb: The script kept saying that I needed to unmount the drive after checking to see if it could be used. After getting quite angry at the script I asked for help from the irc chat, and got a reply from FOSSmaster decause and kGrange, who I believe is a FOSSbox alumni. Apparently the command to unmount a drive is "umount", not "unmount", because that makes sense. grumble grumble So umount sdb1 before rerunning the install script got the job done. Unfortunately though, the XO didn't boot up the installer automatically and I don't know how to make it boot from the terminal. I guess that'll just be the first thing on my gameplan for "Hackin with Lmacken" on monday. I can't install it on my tower because it thinks that it's drives are external, and I can't install it on my laptop because it can't dual-boot; it wipes a drive before installing.

In other news I also had a public speaking seminar with the McNair scholars, and learned some valuable tips from someone who had some good chops on the subject. I'll be talking my presentations over with FOSSmaster decause though, who has public speaking chops, as well as sweet muttonchops. Due to the class I'm taking with McNair, I'm going to be Research lead on the project from now on as well.

My feelings for the day