Day 22

by fortnight on Sun 30 June 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

Productively Lost part Deux

Today I messed around with the XSCE a bit more. I had been taking notes on different functions for a while now, but after understanding the main functions I realized the answers I were looking for weren't in there. I was only seeing how it was supposed to work, and being sad when it didn't. Unfortunately I had bit off more than I could chew with this task. Perhaps the reason I agreed to solve the school server problem was because I wanted to solve a difficult problem by myself. Being the only Computer Scientist on the team, I wanted to prove myself as being multifaceted; the other students are Game Designers or New Media Development majors. I wanted to solve the issues with the network and save the day so we all stop worrying about how the gap between the game Lemonade Stand and the system of Mozilla's Open Badges will mesh together in a brilliant dance of hacking harmony.

If I wanted to have a server that worked I shouldn't have just looked at how it's parts worked together, I should've corrected the way the network worked to adapt to our systems.

My feelings for the day