"Your Pixel Ninja Skill Has Increased By 10!"

by decause on Sat 27 October 2012 // Posted in legacy // under

These 1200x800ish some-odd pixels may not look like much, but each one was carefully shift+arrowed into it's rightful place, and ctrl+click scaled to just the right size.

One of the hardest things to give up when I switched to Linux/BSD/FOSS 10 years ago (gasp), was MS Paint. It was the only piece of software I was ever truly proficient with on our family Windows 3.1 box (Solitaire doesn't count obv). Tux Paint never quite filled the gap for me, The GIMP was much too hardcore, and my pixel skillz languished for some time. Steadily over the past 2 years, with lots of watching and learning with my girl, my pixels have become web native, lossless, and Free. I haven't quite gotten all the bells and whistles down, and I'm still not using layers properly, but damn it feels good to be slanging hex. Big shout out to my Digital Design instructor Prof. Cameron, who let me use inkscape on my Linux box during what amounted to an Adobe Creative Suite 101 course held in a Mac Lab.



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