HFOSS Course being offered in Spring Quarter!

by decause on Mon 28 January 2013 // Posted in legacy // under

IGM will again be running the course "Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software Development" this Spring. It'll be taught this year by established Hacker Justin Sherrill (http://www.shiningsilence.com/dbsdlog/author/admin). This course provides the novices an opportunity to get started in Open Source, and the pros the flexibility to get deeper into the field. The course has an emphasis on, but is not restricted to, the creation of Free/Open Source/Open Content educational games and software, but has also supported projects looking at networking, server infrastructures, and other full-stack applications. The majority of projects that have come out of the course in the past have supported the One Laptop Per Child (http://laptop.org) and Sugar Labs projects (http://sugarlabs.org). OLPC XO computers will be signed out to each student for use and development during the quarter.

Last year's syllabus (subject to major change without notice) can be found here:


The course's number is 4080-445 and it is offered Tuesday and Thursday nights, 6-8 pm. The prerequisites are two previous programming courses, but if you have an interest in FOSS development, or any FOSS development experience, contact us and the prerequisites can be waived by the instructor. If you are having trouble registering, don't fret! Email Prof. Stephen Jacobs, and we'll register you for the course manually: sj[at]mail[dot]rit[dot]edu.