It's been a while...

by DaveSilver on Wed 23 June 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

So here i am blogging away after almost a week without blogging at all. man I need to do this more often. Anyway so these past couple days we've been attending all of these special events here at RIT., The first was on Saturday and that was FOSSCON. We had a booth there and we basically just spent the day hanging out and manning the booth. We talked to some people from other universities and such and it was overall pretty cool. Then on Monday, NTID held a symposium on teaching to deaf and hard of hearing students and that continued until about 12:00 today. It was kind of boring because the last couple days have just been us manning the booth and not really getting much code or other stuff done. So that finally ended today and now I am back to work.

I've been working on making a test that will run all the different types of sprite sheet setups. I have yet to test my code but everything I've done so far should work relatively well. hope ton have that done by the end of this week. Our original schedule was to have it done by the end of this week but there is just too much going on this week. On top of the Symposium we are also visiting the Strong Museum of Play and Second Avenue Games tomorrow. Then on top of that Friday is our usual lazy day. So with all that in mind we pushed our goals back a week and figured it would not be too big of a deal. I guess that is all for today. I will post more soon, and I will post a lot about what we do tomorrow at the museum and the games company.