Integration...complete? Not quite...

by DaveSilver on Thu 05 August 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

So it's been a while since I posted anything to this blog. I hope you guys haven't missed me too much. This week has been pretty eventful. The last three days Kevin and I have been working to integrate the animation stuff into the Game Engine that he and Jlew made. This was a large task but not a vastly challenging one. It was more about determining the exact process we would use and doing that for everything, than it was about figuring out a unique process for each situation.

It took some time but last night we finally finished and today our goal is to take everything we did and adjust it to work better with Jlew's original designs of the engine. You see, until now we have just been hacking away getting our stuff to work but now we have to take our working code and modify it so that it works on the same principles as Jlew's stuff. Mostly this will be pretty easy and just requires some time commitment.

Other than that, JT has been working on the complete test as usual and doing what it takes to get things done. Things for that seem to be going pretty well. We should be writing the paper by the end of this week and just preparing for our presentations once that is done. Have a nice day, and I shall see you next time.