Image Scaling Test Complete So Far...

by DaveSilver on Tue 15 June 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

So today's Image Scaling test is complete and it gave us a whole lot of really good data. Basically we found out that scaling images within the code is definitely not a viable option. This means that if a developer wanted to make their program function in multiple resolutions, they would most likely need multiple image sets. With that in mind JT and I are currently thinking that GIFs are the most viable, all around, option. It has the smallest file size and has a very capable frame rate that is only beaten out by the BMP files. This is just our current thinking so we may find info later on that suggests differently, who knows.

Tomorrow we plan on running some new test software. Basically the new software is designed to allow us to run all of our previous tests one after the other in the same environment and lay the data out in a CSV for us so we can then bring that data into another program and make shiny graphs with it. Assuming things go according to plan, we will have that data up tomorrow with graphs and all. See you then.