Better late than never....

by DaveSilver on Thu 15 July 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

So last night I got food poisoning when I ate some sour fruit and because of that I was not able to physically be at the Foss Box today. Despite that I was still able to get some work done. Basically yesterday I spent the whole day building the Scene class which was the final piece that needed to be completed of the animation system. With the code complete I spent today running tests to make sure things work and to make sure there was nothing I did wrong. Obviously I did do stuff wrong at first but it has now all been fixed and the class is fully functional. The only task now is for JT and I to get rotation working. Hopefully this will not be that bad but who knows. Worst case scenario we don't get it working and we have a good story for our White Paper but I don't think it will come to that. Well I still have some work to do so I will see you next time.