Animation Systems are GO....

by DaveSilver on Mon 12 July 2010 // Posted in legacy // under

So last week was pretty eventful. We visited OLPC headquarters for the Hackfest and did some very cool stuff while we were there. JT and I really got to work on figuring out how the animation system would work and are now at a great point. Basically we are starting building the first iteration of the animation system this week and should have it feature complete by the end of this week or beginning of next week. We will probably still have little bugs to work out within the system at that point and will definitely still have optimization and commenting to take care of but we will be in a great place no matter what. I think this will be a pretty productive week because we do not have any other commitments this week except working on our projects. Well I will talk to you guys next time and have a good day.